Sunday, December 27, 2009

Babies Babies Babies....

So pretty much it seems like every woman I know is PREGGERS right now!!!! So here are some cute lil gifts I made!!!!

Handy baby wipe cases with a lil bling...

Gotta have the oonsies too...

Found a way to put a girly touch to those boring ol' hospital beenies of course!!!!
And here is our newest edition to the familia

Welcome Baby Boy Angel!!!


Too bad they don't have a Rent-A-Baby store.... Wouldn't that be awesome?!?

The baby would come with an ankle bracelet that tells you why the baby is crying
ex. needs diaper change, burp.


Baby would also come with a ready-to-plant tree that grow money so you can just plant it right in back of your isnt that convenient?!?

I miss my baby girls being so tiny! I wish they had buttons on them like..

Rewind- to rewind back to when they were lil babies
Mute- to mute the embarrasing things they say to people at the stores and tantrums
Slow Motion- because they grow to darn fast!!!!
Everyone always tells me "WOW! You must have been huge carrying twins!"
Well you can see for yourself...

Here is a pic of us at my baby shower about 3 weeks before I had the girls...
Aaliyah Marie

3 pound 12 ounces

Alize Michelle
2 pounds 9 ounces Tell me these are not my baby skunks with that white hair!!!

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